
Patients &
trained Companions

Medical Professionals


Fibromyalgia (FM) and
Chronic Myofascial Pain & Dysfunction (CMPD)
Information for Patients and Supporters
with Devin Starlanyl



Our goal is to keep the care providers' list as current as possible, with the help of the patient community.  If you have corrections or additions to submit, please contact us.

To find a myofascial trigger point therapist nearest you, check http://myofascialtherapy.org/find-a-therapist/index.html


Koval, Pablo Ruben, MD, Billinghurst 1506 8 C, Buenos Aires, Argentina 1425, T 54-1-827-1978, Fax 54-1-827-3008.

Leiserson, Rodolpho MD Ayacuch 1365 p.b. B (1111) Cuidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, (54-1) 812-9048, fax 961-7968.


Boyden, Dr. Ken, 11 Smith Street, Fitzroy, Victoria, 3065 Australia, Ph 03-9417-0985. ( Twice a month at Stawell District Hospital, Stawell. Ph. 03.5358.2255)

Draper, Sheridan S., Massage Practitioner, Suite A-18, Attadale Business Centre 550 Canning Highway
Attadale Western Australia  6156.   T 08 9330 9992  Fax - same number. FMS

Littlejohn, Geoff O., MD MPH FRACP FRCP, Associate Professor/Director Rheumatology, Department of Rheumatology, Monash Medical Centre, 246 Clayton Road Clayton, Melbourne Victoria, AUSTRALIA 3168, Tel: 613-9594-3565, Fax: 613-9594-3512.

Strauss, Simon Dr, 31 Charlton Street, Southport, Queensland 4215 AUSTRALIA, Tel: 61-755-313810, Fax: 61-755-326199.

Watson, Philip 259 McCulloch Street Sunnybank, Queensland 4109

Wood, Dr. Nigel, 156-158 Bellarine St., Geelong, Australia 03.5222.4491 (Weekly at 108 Drummond St. Ballarat, same number; fortnightly at 208 liebig St. Warrnambool 03.5562.6777.)


Piehslinger, Eva, Prof. Dr. Prothetik 11 Univ Klinic f Zahnheilkunde, Waehringer Str 25a, A-1090 Wien, AUSTRIA, Tel: 43[1]427767072, Fax: 43[1]427767079.

Slavicek, Rudolf, Prof Dr, Zentrum f Diagnostik Cranio-mand Funktionsstoerungen, Billrothstr 78a, A-1190 Wien, AUSTRIA, Tel: 43-[1]3692976, Fax: 43[1]310342411.


Farasyn, Andre Msc, PT,DO, Diplomate in Osteopathy, Assistant Professor Faculty of Physical Education and Rehabilitation, Free University of Brussels, Krijgslaan, 195 Ghent, Belgium, B9000, T 32-9-221-13-87, Fax 32-9-221-19-13.

Jonckheere, Peter DM, Myofascial Therapy, Jing Ming, Weidestraat 234, Brugge, Belgium 8310, T 32-50-35-12-8310, Fax 32-50-37-52-64.


Dougherty, Richard, Clinical Massage Studio - Campo Belo, Rua Sonia Ribeiro, 315, São Paulo, SP Brasil 04621-010, (55)(11) 5041-3890 / 9711-6000, click on the American flag for English version.  CMP.

Imamura, Marta, MD, PhD, Division of Physical Medicine, Department of  Orthopaedics and Traumatology, University of Sao Paulo School of Medicine, Rue Cariris, 177 Pinheiros CEP:05422-020  Sao Paulo, Brazil, Fax 55 11 3814408.  Segmental Neuomyotherapy.

Jacob, Dra. Maria Teresa. Clinica de Dor-Auriculomedicina Terapia Neural. Av. Francisco Glicerio, 2331/31, Guanabara Brazil CEP 13023-101. Fone: (19) 3231-5899. Thorough understanding of trigger points. Specialty in chronic pain states, including migraine.

Kaziyama, Helena HS, MD, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, University of Sao Paulo, R Conselheiro, Brotero 1539 y 84, Sao Paulo, Brazil 1232-010, T 55-11-36671870, Fax 55-11-36671870.

Yeng, Lin Tchia MD, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, University of Sao Paulo, R Cons Brotero 1539 cj 12, Sao Paulo, BRAZIL 01232-010, Tel: 55-11-8261019, Fax: 55-11-36672712.


Boggio, Dr. Glenn, DC, 5799 Yonge Street, North York ON Canada 416-222-0598

Breda, Dawn, RMT, Yonge Sheppard Wellness Clinic, 4920-A Yonge Street, North York ON Canada M2N 5N5 416-226-5917

Campbell, Doreen MD Rheum, 29 E. Wellesley Street Toronto, Ontario M4Y 1G7 Canada 416-964-7621

Daniels, Valsa, MD, 54 Lake Park Drive, Winnipeg, MB R2J 3A8, Canada, 204-787-1140, fax 204-254-1651.

Delaney, Gail Ann, MD, FRCPC, physiatrist, 2386 Main Street, Lambeth, Ontario, Canada N6P 1P9.

Dubo, H. MD, FRCPC University of Manitoba Health Sciences Center 800 Sherbrook St. Winnipeg, Manitoba R3A 1M4 Canada 204-787-2270. Physiatry, MPS, Segmental Neuomyotherapy.

Dubo, Hy, MD, 595 Oak Street Winnipeg, Manitoba R3m 3P9, Canada, 204-787-2206, fax 204-787-1476.

Edworthy, Steven, MD, Dept. Medicine/Rheumatol, Toronto Western Hospital, #99 Bathurst St., Toronto, ON, M5T 2S8.

Fahie, Suzanne, H2O Water Aquatics, Several North York ON Canada locations, 416-487-8888.

Feldman, Brian, MD, Pediatric Rheumatologist, Rheumatology Clinic, Bloorman MacMillan Centre, Bloorview Site, 25 Buchan Court, Willowdale, ON, CANADA, M2J4S9, Tel: 416-425-6220 Ext. 6298.

Flynn, Bruce, DC, 2933 Bayview Avenue, North York, ON, Canada M2K 1E9, 416-222-2025

Gunn, C. Chan, MD, Gunn Pain Clinic, 828 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC, Canada V52 1J8, T 604-873-4866, Fax 604-873-4481.  Myofascial pain.

Haley, Dr. Hugh, Psychologist, 27 Shields Avenue, Toronto ON Canada M5N 2K1, 416-487-0791.

Jarrell, John MD. Dept. of OB/GYN, 1403 29th St NW, Calgary, Alberta T2N 2T9. Canada. ph 403.944.1438. This fine doctor knows myofascial trigger points and is an expert on pelvic pain.

Kanji, R., GP, Stonewall Medical Clinic, Stonewall, Manitoba  [204] 467-5509.  FMS.  Patient comment: Dr. Kanji is extra special.  He offers what I think is an excellent blend of what we call "Traditional or Western" Medicine with "Alternative" Therapies.

Kennedy, Peter, BScPT MCPA CAFC, Unionville Physiotherapy, 4261 Highway 7, Unionville ON Canada L3R 9W6 905-470-2450

Ledezma, Jose, MD, 106 Doncaster Drive, Quispamsis, New Brunswick E2E IR2, Canada, 506-738-4364, fax 506-847-2880.

Lutzer, Klaus, Chiropractor/Pain Management, 1005 Ottawa Street North, Kitchener, Ontario, CANADA NZA 1H2, Tel: 1-519-893-8800, Fax: 1-519-893-2697.

McCarthy, T., MD, Rheumatologist, Manitoba Clinic, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 204-774-6541.  FMS.  Patient comment: Dr. McCarthy is a caring, attentive Rheumatologist who believes in and treats Fibromyalgia.

McLeod, DC, McLeod Chiropractic Clinic, 18123-107 Ave., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.  Specializes in Activator Chiropractic Technique and TrP therapy.

Montbriand, Michael W., MD, Lakeshore Medical Clinic, 138 - 23rd Avenue, Regina, Sask. CANADA S4S 3S5, Tel: 306-584-9333. Fax: 306-584-9788.

Dr. Burnam, Grove Plaza Orthopedic and Sports Physiotherapy Ltd, 120 King Street, Spruce Grove, Alberta Canada 403-962-1692.

Kekpsz, Veronica MD Sunnybrook Hospital Toronto 416-480-4685 FMS&MPS

O'Hara, Dr. Kathleen, DC, 208 Bloor Street West, Suite 603, Toronto ON Canada M5S 3B4, 416-920-2468.

Partiridge, Kimberly, DC, 4920-A Yonge Street, North YorkON Canada M2N 5N5, 416-226-5917.

Phillips, Tim, CST, Kingston Road Therapeutics, 927 Kingston Road, Toronto ON Canada M4E 1S6, 416-694-6767.  CranioSacral Therapy.

Pidutti, John, ND. Suite 608-1788 W. Broadway (at Burrard), Vancouver BC V6J 1Y1 Canada. 604-737-0012. Dr. Pidutti is a member of a multidisciplinary health care center that includes Naturopathic, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and massage therapy specialists. They use a variety of techniques to treat both fibromyalgia and myofascial pain. For more information, visit their website at www.springseternal.com

Rao, P., MD, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Thunder Bay, Ontario PTB 5G7, Canada, 807-345-0510.

Rappeport, Dr. Martin, Psychologist, 10168 Yonge Street, Suite 202, Richmond Hill, ON Canada L4C 1T6, 905-787-9991 and 223-A St. Clair Avenue West, Toronto, ON Canada.

Reinhold, Irene, Director, Reinhold Rehabilitation Services Ltd., 85 Barnesdale Boulevard, Hamilton, Ontario, CANADA L8M 2V5, Tel: 905-547-6461, Fax: 905-547-0312.

Reoch, Michael, RMT. Suite 2, 4882 Delta Street, Ladner, BC V4K 2T8 Canada. Ph. 604-952-0538. Massage therapy for chronic and complex pain issues and scar therapy. He understands both chronic myofascial pain and fibromyalgia. http://wellandable.ca

Saul, David, MD, 4190 Finch Ave. East, Suite 218, Scarborough, Ontaria M1S 4T7, 416-298-1303, Fax 416-298-4872.  FMS.

Spence, Gaye, PT, Unionville Physiotherapy, 4261 Highway 7, Unionville ON Canada L3R 9W6, 905-470-2450

Stein, Eleanor, MD FRCP(C), Psychiatry & Psychotherapy, 4523 - 16A Street S.W., Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2T 4L8, Tel: (403) 287-9941, Fax: (403) 287-9958, E-mail: espc@shaw.ca.  Area of Interest & Specialty: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity & Related Disorders.

Thompson, Ellen N., MBBS, FRCP, 1105 Carling Ave., Suite 305, Ottawa, ON K1Y 4G5 Canada.  FMS and CMP.  Anesthesiology and pain management. 

Waldie, Andrew, Director, Kingsway Therapeutic Centre, 2903 Bloor St. W., Toronto, ON M8X 1B3, Ph: 416-207-1775, Fax: 416-207-1776, email:  info@kingswaytherapeutic.comShiatzu, myofascial pain.

Weverman, Iris, PT, 123 Edward Street, Suite 1124, Toronto M5G 1E2, Canada, 416-340-7286, fax 416-340-7002.  FMS and myofascial pain.

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