
Patients &
trained Companions

Medical Professionals


Fibromyalgia (FM) and
Chronic Myofascial Pain & Dysfunction (CMPD)
Information for Patients and Supporters
with Devin Starlanyl



Our goal is to keep the care providers' list as current as possible, with the help of the patient community.  If you have corrections or additions to submit, please contact us.

To find a myofascial trigger point therapist nearest you, check http://myofascialtherapy.org/find-a-therapist/index.html


Bander, David F., Attorney at Law, 4 Longfellow Place, Suite 3703, Boston MA  02114, Ph 617-371-4242, fax 617-742-5761, toll free 800-286-8686. 

Berg, Jonathan S. II, DC, 2 Elm Street, #3, Salisbury, MA 01952, Ph 978-463-1727. 

Blanchard, Kenneth, MD, PhD, endocrinologist, 2000 Washington St., Suite 565, Newton Lower Falls, MA 02162, Ph 617-527-1810.  Guai, Dr. Lowe’s protocol.  Spec. hypothyroid, menopause and FMS.

Bordiuk, John D., MD, 214 Market Street, Brighton, MA 02135, Ph 617-787-3511. Complementary medicine.

Borg-Stein, Joanne, MD,  Director Spaulding-Wellesley Outpatient Center, 645 Walnut Street, Wellesley, MA 02481, 781-431-9144.  FMS and chronic myofascial pain.

Bourne, Erika Waly, RN, CMTPT, Myofascial Pain Treatment Center, 1275 Main Street, Waltham MA, 02451, 781-894-9430, email BourneMyo@mac.com

Churchill, Bruce, MD, 41 Montvale Avenue, Stoneham, MA 02180, Ph 781-279-2342, fax 781-279-4855.

Doubleday, Janice, Brush Valley Road, Warwick, MA, Ph 508-544-7761. Integrated acupressure.

Ehrenthal, Susan, MD, Physiatrist, Rehab Hospital of the Cape and Islands, 311 Service Road, Sandwich, MA, Ph 508-833-4160.  FMS and TrPs.  

Elson, Barry D., MD, 52 Maplewood Shops, Old South St., Northampton, MA 01060, Ph 413-584-7787.  Wholistic.  FMS, guai.

Fornier, Thea H., CN, 247 Main St., North Andover, MA 01845, Ph 978-686-7103.  Nutrition, kinesiology, muscle testing.

Franklin, Marcia, MD, 441 Route 130, Sandwich, MA, Ph 508-833-1569.  FMS.

Houston, Cheryl J., DC, 82 Park Avenue, Worcester, MA 01609-1742, Ph 508-752-7521, fax 508-798-3418.

Jaros, Bernadette, PT, Jaros Physical Therapy, 135 Authors Road, Concord, MA, 01742, Ph 978-369-0342, email bernie.jaros@verizon.net.  Craniosacral therapy, myofascial release, acupressure and electrotherapy with therapeutic exercise.  

Joyce, Pat, OTR/L, 90 Conz Street, Room 204, Northampton, MA 01060, Ph 413-587-0206, Fax 413-584-2738.  Advanced Craniosacral release.

Marquis, Carol, P.O. Box 604, W. Newbury, MA 01985, Ph 978-363-5153.  Vodder manual lymph drainage.

Pollock, Aaron, DC, Advanced Health & Wellness, 790 Turnpike St., Suite 300, North Andover, MA 01845, 978-327-5960.

Robbins, Donald and Peg, Blue River Institute, Bowen Center, P.O. Box 57, So. Deerfield, MA 01373, Ph 413-665-3492.  Bowen therapy

Simms, Robert, MD, Rheumatologist, Boston University School of Medicine, Arthritis Center, K5, 71 East Concord St., Boston, MA 02118, Ph 617-638-4310.  FMS.

Singleton, Aaron, LMT, The Way to Balance, 21 Water Street, Amesbury, MA, Ph 978-834-0341.  Myofascial therapy, hypnotherapy, shiatsu, acupressure, yoga, reiki, reflexology.

Simon, Mitchell D., DC, Beacon Chiropractic, 1842 Beacon Street, Brookline, MA 02446, Ph 617-232-7566, Cell 617-901-1672, Fax 617-232-7613, email.  Combines different modalities, gentle spinal adjustment, myofascial release, restorative yoga postures, posture work, etc.

Sorrell, Michael Robert, MD, Neurologist, Neurosurgical and Neurological Group Inc., 80 Congress Street, Springfield, MA 01104, Ph 413-781-5050, Fax 413-781-02510.

Timmerman, Betsy, C.B.P.M. (Certified Bonnie Prudden Myotherapist) and Fibromyalgia Educator, 43 Grand Street, Reading, MA  01867, Ph 781-944-8119/781-942-0840.  Myotherapist, Reiki Master, Certified Hypnotherapist.

Viadero, Joseph, MD, Connecticut River Internists, Montague, MA, Ph 413-774-3715.

Videyko, Robert DC. 128 State Street, Newburyport, MA 01950, Ph 978-465-1500.  


Bethesda Physiocare: President Jan Dommerholt, PT, DPT, MPS, DAAPM and staff provide evaluation and treatment for chronic and acute conditions including myofascial trigger points and musculoskeletal imbalance. Lodging is available nearby for visiting patients. 7830 Old Georgetown Road, Suite C-15, Bethesda, MD 20814-2440. Ph 301.656.5613. www.bethesdaphysiocare.com

Esty, Mary Lee, PhD. Brain Wellness and Biofeedback Center of Washington, LLC. 7910 Woodmont Ave. #305, Bethesda, MD 20814, Phone: 301-215-7721, web: brainwellnessandbiofeedback.com

Filner, Bernard, MD, 14955 Shady Grove Road, #260, Rockville, MD. Ph 301-251-1266. Specializes in laser treatment. www.thepaincenter.us

Issa, Tamer S., PT, Issa Physical Therapy, Randolph Medical Center, 4701 Randolph Rd. Suite G-1, Rockville, MD 20852,  Ph 301-231-0095, Fax 301-231-0092, email IssaPT@comcast.netCMP.

Masset, Michele, PT, ST, Lic Ac, 7830 Old Georgetown Road, Suite C-15, Bethesda, MD 20814-2432, Ph 301-656-0220, fax 301-654-0333.

Rosen, Norman, MD, Rehabilitation and Pain Management Associates, 8415 Bellona Lane, Baltimore, MD 21204, Ph 301-821-7775.  Physiatry, pain management.

Ross, Anne, CMT, NCTMB, Member AMTA, Towson Massage Therapy, 204 E. Joppa Rd., Towson, MD 21286, Ph 410-823-7698, Email Equissager@aol.comFMS and myofascial pain. 

Rothenberg, Russell, MD, Rheumatology. 10215 Fernwood Road, Suite 401, Bethesda, MD 20817-1106.  Ph 301-571-2273.  This doctor knows both fibromyalgia and chronic myofascial pain and is adept at interactive diagnoses that come with complex chronic pain cases.

Singleton, Kenneth B., MD, MPH, Greenspring Wellness Center, 2324 W. Joppa Road, Suite 100, Lutherville, MD 21093, Ph 410-296-3737.  FMS.  

Teitelbaum, Jacob, MD, 466 Forelands Road, Annapolis, MD 21401.  FMS, CFIDS, MCS.  Wholistic and comprehensive.

Wasserman, Justin H., MD, The Pain Clinic of Greater Washington Area, 8218 Wisconsin Ave., Suite #107
Bethesda, MD 20814, Ph 301-263-8000.

Weiss, Alan, MD, Annapolis Integrative Medicine, 466a Forelands Road, Annapolis MD 21401, 410-266-3613.


Blais, Valerie M., RN, BSN, LMT, Certified St. John’s Neuromuscular Massage Therapist, 222 St. John Street, Suite 132, Portland ME 04102, Ph 201-773-1215.  Treats pain and injury, including TrPs and FMS, using Muscle Energy Technique, Jones’ Strain/Counterstrain, Upledger CranioSacral, Weiselfish Integrated Manual Therapy, and NMT. Is certified as a Postural Alignment Specialist (PAS) through Egoscue University.

Coppinger, Shirley, MD, York Family Medicine, 5 Hospital Drive, York, ME 03909

McLean, Phillip A., DC, 1485 Lisbon Street, Lewiston ME 04240, Ph 207-783-0078.

Joy Metcalf, CH, EFT-CC, Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Bowen Practitioner, 101 Main Street, 2nd Floor, Belfast, ME  04915, Ph 207-338-0124.

Nee, Linda, Disability Consulting, 60 Hicks Road, West Newfield, ME 04095, Ph/Fax 207-793-4593, email Disability Claims Consultant who assists individuals make application for, and manage, disability claims submitted to private insurance companies.


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