Patients & non-medically trained Companions
Medical Professionals
Fibromyalgia (FM) and Chronic Myofascial Pain & Dysfunction (CMPD) Handouts and Articles
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Patients and supporters, please read "Fibromyalgia, Trigger Points and Chronic Myofascial Pain" before reading these informational sheets.
Chronic Myofascial Pain & Dysfunction
Fibromyalgia and Chronic Myofascial Pain & Dysfunction: Primary Care Professionals
Trigger Points and Tender Points: Important Difference
Glossary a handy guide to some of the words used on this site.
FMS, CMP and the Geloid Mass
A Guide for Companions
FM/CMP Impact Questionnaire
Articles of Interest
Fibromyalgia Frontiers report on the International Myopain Society Congress 2013. (double edition) by Devin J. Starlanyl
Pelvic Pain and Dysfunction, Fibromyalgia, and Trigger Points by Devin J. Starlanyl Xyrem Devin's Diagnostic (Symptom List)
Myofascial Pain Brochure from The National Fibromyalgia Partnership Inc.
Overview of Myopain 2007
Mayo Clinic press release, potential MTP imagery
Chronic Pain Treatment, A New Approach by Devin J. Starlanyl
EEG Stimulation: Neurotherapy and Fibromyalgia
Specific Frequency Microcurrent for Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain
Boundary Issues
Fibromyalgia and the Endocrine Connections by Dr. Carolyn McMakin.
Fibromyalgia and Chronic Myofascial Pain: A Patient Review
Healing the Dysfunctional Gut: A Common Hidden Key Perpetuating Factor
Chronic Sinusitis: A Common Perpetuating Factor?
Devin's Walk for Awareness Speech in Washington, DC, on May 11th, 2002
T'ai chi and musculoskeletal pain. T'ai Chi Magazine.
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